Elena Mocan: Leading with Ambition as Head of Client Success at Mekanys.

Elena Mocan:
Leading With Ambition

Head of Client Success, Mekanys

Elena Mocan is a prime example of how ambition combined with a commitment to social impact can drive exceptional success.

What is Pledge 1%?

Pledge 1% is a global movement that inspires, educates, and empowers every entrepreneur, company, and employee to be a force for good. Over 18,000 members in over 130 countries have used Pledge 1%’s flexible framework to ignite half a billion dollars in new philanthropy.
Pledge 1%: Building a Movement of Corporate Philanthropy.

Elena Shares Insights on Supporting Corporate Leaders and Advice for Women Starting Their Careers!

Elena emphasizes the importance of supporting corporate leaders and offers valuable advice for women at the beginning of their careers. In her interview, she discusses her ambition and the significance of social impact initiatives like Pledge 1%, highlighting how businesses can contribute positively to society. She also shares her journey and the best advice she’s received, encouraging resilience and continuous learning.

If you could describe yourself in one word, what would that be and why?

Ambitious. I constantly strive to improve and innovate, pushing my limits to achieve new heights. For example, when tackling a challenging project, I set ambitious goals, worked diligently, and collaborated closely with my teammates. This approach allowed us to meet and exceed expectations, demonstrating my commitment to continuous improvement and success.

Pledge 1% offers a framework for businesses to contribute to social good. Do you believe it is essential for today's corporate leaders to prioritize social impact? If so, what are the key reasons?

Yes, it’s increasingly essential for today’s corporate leaders to prioritize social impact. Beyond traditional profit-driven objectives, businesses are now considered integral parts of the larger community and society.

Prioritizing social impact through initiatives like Pledge 1% enhances a company’s reputation, fosters employee morale, attracts socially conscious consumers, and contributes to building a sustainable and responsible business model. In the current business landscape, companies actively engaging in social responsibility are often better positioned for long-term success and positive societal contributions.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.” This advice encourages a mindset of resilience and learning from setbacks. Failures are not the end but opportunities to grow, adapt, and ultimately move closer to achieving your goals.

What advice do you have for women who are just starting their career?

Remember that every career journey is unique, so stay true to yourself, be adaptable, and enjoy the learning experiences along the way.

"Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success."

Elena Mocan: Leading with Ambition, social impact, Pledge 1%, advice for corporate leaders and women.
Elena Mocan

Head of Client Success, Mekanys

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